About ZOE'S CHINESE RESTAURANTZoe's Gourmet Chinese Cuisine The culture of Chinese Cuisine is Long-standing and well established. It is considered a "bright star" among worldwide culinary arts. The ways of preparation may vary nevertheless, the most distinctive eight styles include: LU-northern Shandong, Chuan-Sichuan, Su-Jiangsu, Yue-Guangdong and Guangxi, ZHE-Zhejiang, Xiang-Hunan, Min-Fujian-southeast, Hui-Anhui. These eight peparation styles consist of their own characteristic use of ingredients and presentations, which have even been personified: the Su-Zho dishes have been described as delicate Jiang Nan beauties; The Lu-Wan dishes are like simple, blunt and strong northern fellows: the Yue-Min dishes have described as elegant dandies while Chuan-Xiang have been regarded as Famous and multi-talented scholars. The specialties of our restaurant have hot only synthesized the characteristics of these eight distinctive styles but also have modified some of the traditional techniques and created our own unique features in Chinese cooking. We combine the quintessence of the East and West culinary arts in order to best serve the gourmet tastes of every diner. 中国烹饪文化源远流长,是世界上饮食文化中一颗璀璨明星。中国菜在烹饪技法上有许多流派,其中以鲁、川、苏、粤、浙、湘、闽、徽八大菜系最具代表性。 八大菜系的烹调技艺各具风采,菜式特色各有所长。有人把八大菜系用拟人化的手法描绘为:苏州菜好比清秀素丽的江南美女;鲁皖菜式如古拙朴实的北方健汉;粤闽菜宛如风流典雅的公子;川湘菜就是内涵丰富才艺满身的名士。 本店所作的菜点就是综合上面所列菜系的特点,结合自身的特色,在传统的基础上突破创新,运用中西烹饪手法精心制作而成,尽量为广大食客提供款款的正宗美食。